Urgent Hiring! WHOLESALER...

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Male , not more than 38 years old, with own motorcycle and driver's license rest. 1,2 , Graduate of any 4 year business course, with at least 1 year experience in Sales, particularly in telco industry;

Position description:
1. Wholesaler Coordinator is responsible in openining (negotiating) & maintanance (Account Management) of Wholesalers in the assigned area
2. Provide supports in developing in-house accounts of assigned Wholesalers
3. Grow the business of the company & its Principal

Required Capabilities:
1. Account Management
2. Channel development
3. Bsuness development
4. Negotiating skills
5. Selling skills
6. Presentation skills
7. Analytical thinking

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Number of views : 250

Last visited : 09/06 at 14:36

Reference : 13555

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